Author Support Services | Bringing your book to life

Fiction writing coaching package


Initial one-hour planning session via Zoom with your writing coach

During this session, your writing coach will help you identify your writing goals you would like to achieve from these coaching sessions.

Your writing coach will discuss if there is a particular area you would like to focus on, including writing technique, creativity, or both. Is your goal to work towards completing your novel? Together you will create a personalised plan to help you achieve your fiction writing dreams.

3 x fortnightly one-hour sessions via Zoom with your writing coach

During your tailored coaching sessions, your writing coach will help you to achieve your specific writing goals. You will benefit from the teaching of technical skills as well as connection to creativity and accountability.

Depending on your goals, you may focus on technical story writing technique, such as plot structure, character development and creative prose. Your writing coach will inspire you to connect to your inner creative voice and help you to express yourself through the written word.

Feedback, homework and resources

Writing work and personalised feedback will be undertaken by you and your coach ready for the next session.

Following each coaching session, you will send in a passage of writing using some of the techniques you are practising. Your writing coach will provide detailed written feedback line by line on your document. This one to one feedback will allow you to see your writing develop quickly. You’ll also be supplied with resources to keep in your toolkit of writer’s skills and refer back to whenever you need.


Writing coaching may be extended on a monthly basis at $308 per month, which includes 2 x one-hour sessions via Zoom with feedback and homework.

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