Fingers Crossed Across Australia

Grey Nomad Tales

When a diagnosis of breast cancer left Lorraine Wise with an uncertain future, she and her husband Mike decided to make the most of the challenge life had thrown them. After consulting a financial guru they decided that taking early retirement to join the ranks of the grey nomads would be a stretch, but not impossible. So they did what they never though they would and gave up their home base, their roots and their security. Lorraine wanted to make the most of whatever time she had left. Their bucket list wasn’t long, but they decided to get on with it while they could.

They became intrepid travelers, exploring many parts of our beautiful country. They walked through the most spectacular gorges, snorkelled the magnificent Ningaloo Reef, traversed Australia’s infamous wilderness tracks, fossicked for gems, became avid bird watchers and went fishing. They took a magnificent boat ride through the Buccaneer Archipelago and experienced the amazing Horizontal Waterfall.

While they did follow the tar sometimes, Lorraine and Mike often went bush to find breathtaking views, peace, relaxation and glorious sunrises and sunsets that lit up the sky. After eight wonderful years of living and loving life it is time to share their travels.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually DO all those things you said you would get to ‘one day’?

Touched by cancer or not, this book will inspire you to get that bucket list out and go for it.

Lorraine Wise

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