Author Support Services | Bringing your book to life

Structural Editing

Structural editing is the first step of your editing journey.

This is a detailed service focusing on content, structure and style to ensure the manuscript is readable, cohesive and logical, that it flows well, and its message is clear and aligned with your goals. The structural editing service includes overall review, micro structural edit and extensive author input. When the manuscript moves between you a quick call with your editor will be arranged to discuss anything you want clarified so the process is as smooth and clear as possible.

Our structural editing service covers: 

whether the book will achieve the writer’s goals with current content 

consistency of the author’s voice

improvements to overall flow

the need to delete redundant or repetitive text

the need for additional content or reader aids to improve delivery of message 

whether text would be best represented in tables, bullet points, activities, summaries, etc

order of chapters, sections and paragraphs

the need to tweak or re-write of content for clarity and tightening

relevancy of book chapter titles and subtitles 

length of chapters 

any missing aspects e.g. introduction, foreword, preface. Fully supported with instructions and a template
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Your editor will go through your manuscript three times.

Round one:

An overall assessment of major structural needs. Includes a written report and general comments on the manuscript.   

Round two:

Following the author’s re-writes, the editor performs a detailed content and structural edit of the manuscript, where changes and comments are actioned using Microsoft Word Track Changes. The editor may make creative suggestions in the form of small re-writes of phrases or sentences as examples. Sentences, paragraphs or chapters may be moved or text highlighted, accompanied with explanatory comments.

Round three:

Following the author’s review of changes recommended by the editor, the editor checks the work and makes any final tweaks to the manuscript. It is then returned to the author to review prior to copy edit.

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Structural editing costs 7.5¢ per word

I offer a free consultation to help you get clear on what’s involved and help you understand why structural editing is such an important part of your author journey.
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